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Agile Project Management and IT Outsourcing by Industry Experts 

Iterahub is an innovative platform specializing in Agile project management and IT outsourcing, powered by a team of experienced and certified professionals.

Our agile practitioners adopt a flexible, adaptive approach, blending PMI and Scrum frameworks to optimize project management across all lifecycle phases. Depending on how frequently your project scope changes, we tailor the right methodology to ensure success.

At Iterahub, our goal is excellence, achieved through continuous training and a commitment to delivering outstanding results. Proudly based in the heart of Southeastern Europe, in Sofia, Bulgaria, we bring global expertise with a local touch.


Our Servuces
Agile Project Management


Agile Project Management  is an flexible and iterative approach to classical project management process using matrix methodology that focuses on breaking down large projects into more manageable multiple blocks, which are completed in short iterations throughout the project lifecycle. Here the Project Manager role has more authority over the development team. 


Scrum Framework & Kanban implementation
  • Scrum is lightweight framework created for developing  incrementally complex software products throughout iterations.

  • The Framework is based on empirical process, where decisions are based on observation, experience and experimentation. Scrum has three pillars: transparency, inspection and adaptation. This supports the concept of working iteratively. Think of Empiricism as working through small experiments, learning from that work and adapting both what you are doing and how you are doing it as needed.


  • Scrum of Scrums is a technique to scale scrum up to large groups over Twelve people, where the groups are divided into Agile teams of 5-10 as multiple collaborative teams.​​

  • Kanban (Japanese: 看板, meaning   signboard or billboard) is a lean method to manage and improve work across human systems. This Agile   framework is more suitable for fast changing environment, where Dev Team priorities are updated on daily bases .


Data Analitics with Python

Data Analysis is the technique of collecting, transforming, and organizing data to make future predictions and informed data-driven decisions. It provides crucial solutions for business problems.


There are six steps for Data Analysis process. They are: 

  • Ask or Specify Data Requirements

  • Prepare or Collect Data

  • Clean and Process

  • Analyze

  • Share

  • Act or Report


"At Iterahub, our team is dedicated to maximizing the effectiveness of every phase of your project lifecycle—initiation, planning, execution and control, release & implementation. We strive to achieve the desired goals for your company with commitment and expertise."

Mr. Hristo H. Halvadzhiev

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